Monday 6 April 2015

Time Is a Thief: POW Vivisection Display at New Kyushu Museum

REBLOG>Time Is a Thief: POW Vivisection Display at New Kyushu Museum

Amenda Steeles' Original Blog

A newly opened Japanese museum exposed evidence of war crime during the World War II. The museum is situated on the campus of Kyushu University in Japan. The museum, opened on April 4, features the history of medical science of the university in the past 110 years. A total of 63 items on display. The notable exhibits at the museum showed the evidence of eight US pilots vivisected by professors of the university in 1945.

The victims were eight airmen of the U.S. B-29 bomber. The aircraft was downed near the border between Kumamoto and Oita prefectures. According to the exhibit, several professors injected diluted sea water into the pilots and dissected their lungs and other organs to observe how long the victims would live after the operation, the Japan Times reported on 4 April 2015.

All eight pilots eventually died. One professor committed suicide when the war ended. The other 14 faculty members were either sentenced to life-in-prison or handed the death penalty for committing war crimes. The school treated the topic as a taboo and avoided mentioning it in public over the years. At a meeting of professors at the School of Medicine in March, the university agreed to face up to the campus' 'dark history.'

My Comments

There is something not too right about this. Diluted seawater an vivisect appears to be torture using medical experiment as an excuse. Being cut alive and adding seawater is actually adding salt to wound.

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